

Page last updated: Aug 4, 2021 @ 12:14 pm

The purpose of this website is to develop and present logical analysis of Scientology categorized by key concepts and principles within the subject as delivered by the Founder L. Ron Hubbard.

There is no goal here to present analysis that is somehow “final” or “absolute,” but to provide an organized and clear analytical framework with direct references that can be used as a foundation for further thought and discussion.



Most of the pages presented on this website were initially posted on CivilizationUpgrade.com and moved to this website in June 2020. These are the kind of detailed analysis I performed on my way to developing more advanced and yet simpler technology that is now presented on CivilizationUpgrade. I analyzed how things are in Scientology in terms of key terms and definitions, explanations, principles and methods – as they are communicated in the works of L. Ron Hubbard – and developed my own insights, in combination with insights from professional fields like logic, neuroscience, linguistics and so on.

I began developing these detailed analysis after launching trueLRH.com in early 2014 – after I spent a year collecting the original works and comparing originals to the new 2007 editions to see what was changed. I posted the initial “raw” results of my work on trueLRH.com as “Alteration Reports.”

In parallel with working out detailed analysis and developing higher understanding, I was also investing a lot of time into trying to create a professional educational presentation on the subject of my findings that I had already presented on trueLRH.com in “raw” format. The efforts to create such presentation resulted in the creation of ScientologyAudit.com (launched in July 2020).

That’s how these four websites are connected.